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Presentation Materials Development

We Make It Easy to Convert Your Slides to Guides

We'll save you time and get the job done fast!
You provide us your existing presentation slides and we’ll convert them into FIVE presentation layouts in two business days or less. The work is done at our office and we send the finished materials to you electronically.

Choose the Program that Works for You

Standard Publication Program

Five Star Publication Program

If you select this program we will:

This program includes everything from the Standard program plus we will:

  • Include all slide and note content from your PowerPoint source file
  • Submit all five published guides to you for review
  • Publish the Speaker, Participant, and Presentation Guides and the 2-Column and 3-Column formats
  • Update the content across all five layouts as requested
  • Proof the publications and revise the content as needed
  • Proof the publications and revise the content as needed
  • Republish the Speaker, Participant, and Presentation Guides and the 2-Column and 3-Column formats
  • Produce a final publication of the Speaker, Participant, and Presentation Guides and the 2-Column and 3-Column formats
  • Deliver the source PowerPoint file, and five layouts to you electronically
  • Deliver the source PowerPoint file, and five layouts to you electronically

Let our expert technical staff do the work for you and deliver five different layouts. All for as little as $50.00.