Operating at the Speed of Information
uSource is an information management application unlike any other. It facilitates the delivery and accessibility of business-critical files, online media and individual learning within your organization. The uSource interface is automatically updated with the latest business information as it becomes available. The uSource file recommendation feature promotes the distribution of knowledge throughout the company. Recommendations can be delivered with read-only access or full change permissions.
See uSource in Action
Click on Intro to uSource for a demonstration on how to:
- Benefit from our document searching, sorting, and favorites features
- Create and maintain a library of your favorite files
- Create and personalize order lists of files, websites, and othe online media
- Recommend files, Subjects, and Views to other uSource members
How Will You Use It?
Employee Transition
The outgoing employee will have a wealth of knowledge to share with the incoming employee. Their uSource Views outline all the process and systemic facets of their job. Recommend this information to the employee assuming the role, and they have immediate access to all this information. They can then modify or reorganize this View to suit their needs.
Manager to Team Members
uSource can be used to enforce internal controls. A manager creates a View of a process, procedure, or policy. They then recommend this View to their team as a Read-Only View. All team members have read access to the information, but cannot modify the original content. That right remains with the manager.
Trainer to Trainee
A corporate trainer creates a View of the learning objectives and module content of a training course. This View is recommended, with full permissions, to all employees taking the course. Each employee can now review the class information before attending the course and utilize it in class to take electronic notes on how the learning impacts their role. Trainees then revisit the View as an on-the-job reference, continuously updating the information with practical experience.